Resilient: Becoming Faithful in an Upside Down World

posted by Ty Garvey | Mar 14, 2022


Genesis 17:1-7

In this passage, we see God reminding Abram of the covenant that He had made with him decades before. Abram has shown his impatience and lack of trust that God is going to do what He said he was going to do. Abram and Sarai decided to do things their own way and had Abram sleep with Sarai’s servant, Hagar. Hagar bore Abram a son named Ishmael, but Ishmael was not the child of promise. So what does God do? Does He rebuke Abram for his lack of faith? No. He simply comes to Abram and reminds him of their covenant. God does this to let Abram know that He still plans on holding up His end of the bargain. In the same way, God blessed Abram, in spite of his shortcomings, God can produce good things through us too. Let us be thankful for that today

Look for something today which signifies that God is still wanting to work through you to accomplish something beneficial for the Kingdom. Once you’ve identified that, how will you respond?

What is something from your past that you’re less than proud of, but you’ve seen God still bring fruit from it?